
June 10 - Gramps and Granny Ride Adventure Cycling's Great Divide

It's All About The Weather

A Day in Seeley Lake 

We had hoped to get back on the Adventure Cycling route today, riding our Surly Long Haul Truckers out onto the Forest Roads for a night of camping out.  But the weather is still cold and wet, and the forecast is not good.  If we were twenty years younger, then maybe camping out under these conditions would be acceptable.  But we are in our mid-sixties and we enjoy the comforts of a warm hotel room when it's cold and wet.  So we opt to spend the day in Seeley Lake.

This town is a long strip along Highway 83.  There isn't really a "downtown."  We head out walking down the strip to The Chicken Coop for breakfast.  It is Sunday morning, and we walk by the local church and hear the choir practicing for Sunday service.  The restaurant is full of local people enjoying a good big breakfast.  On the way back, we stop by the farmer's market to look around.  We buy some yummy cinnamon rolls (one of our basic food groups on this trip) and also some Amish cheese for snacks along the way.

We spend the rest of the day resting and exploring the little shops here in this small town.  It is obvious that the town depends on tourism, and the tourist season is being delayed by the cold weather.  The feel of this town is different from Big Fork, which was very trendy.  This town is much more down home, and it feels like it caters more to local hunting, fishing, hiking and camping.  We like the feel of it.  Like many of the businesses out here, there are carved wooden statues at the entrance of some of the shops we walk by.

We spend time watching the weather channel and hoping for some improvement.  We have a little more of our camp food for lunch and dinner, followed by ice cream of course.  It's never too cold for ice cream.  Then we pack up all of our gear, planning on an early departure on Sunday.  We will be back on route, out in the woods.  We may even be glad for that expensive, heavy bear spray we are carrying with us!!

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