
June 7 - Gramps and Granny Ride Adventure Cycling's Great Divide

On The Road At Last

Whitefish to Ferndale MT 

Mileage - 53.78
We finally get on the road on Thursday, June 7. Of course, we don't get started quite as early as planned, but we are happy to see beautiful weather. We are sorry that we missed the first part of the Adventure Cycling route from Roosville on the Canadian border, but are happy to be following their route now. We head out of Whitefish on side roads, through the countryside. Most of the roads are paved back roads with very little traffic, with a few gravel roads thrown in to keep it interesting. The views are breath-taking, as you can see from this picture.
 We stop for our lunch of peanut butter and jelly burritos at a city park in Columbia Falls.  We are finding Montana to be filled with friendly people, so we aren't surprised when a woman stops to chat and asks us where we are headed.  When we tell her New Mexico, she cheers us on by telling us about a horse named "Believe You Can" who had just won the Kentucky Oaks.  It was the first time a horse ridden by a woman had won that race.  Kitty remember this, and "Believe You Can" becomes part of her mantra when the riding gets tough.  
The afternoon riding goes well.  We are both very happy to be started on our journey, and the riding is great.  The road surfaces make for easy riding, there is very little traffic, and the scenery continues to be inspiring.  There are a few rollers, but the riding is relatively easy.  A great way to get started!  Even so, we are ready to arrive at our night's destination.  We find Candlewycke Inn B&B easily and are welcomed by Megan.  We drop off our gear, ask for the nearest place to get a good dinner, and ride over to Rosa's Pizza. This is a family-owned business with great pizza and excellent service.  We sit outside and fill our empty stomachs.  It is so nice to eat lots of good food when you know you've already worked it off!
On the way back to the B&B, we ride through Big Fork, a little tourist town that is filled with trendy little shops.  Then we ride along the Swan River Trail.  What a beautiful way to end the day!  CC soaks in a hot bath to soothe his aching knee while Kitty looks at the Great Divide book to get familiar with what is coming up tomorrow.  We fall asleep in our very comfortable bed, tired but happy that our adventure has finally begun, and what a fine beginning it is!!!  

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